by Julie Dibble

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.
“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
At once they left their nets and followed Him. (Matthew 4:18-20).
You and I are called to follow Him, regardless of our current situation. Peter and Andrew left their nets floating in the water. They were literally in the middle of their work for the day. After waking, dressing, eating, and traveling, Peter and Andrew persevered in sticking to their own plan. God saw them and had His plans for them.
Jesus interrupted. Without much explanation or invitation for discussion, Jesus basically told them: Follow me. I have a different job for you. He didn’t mention a wage or the extent of the commitment He was seeking.
This past summer as I preached at Revival, I used this Scriptural example, asking those in attendance who would leave their jobs for Jesus? One man boldly called out, “Yes”. I can testify that if you commit yourself to saying yes to Jesus, He will interrupt you. It is not just a matter of going outside your comfort zone. It is releasing the plans you have made for your day, for your month, for your season and following His. Once you lay your plans down at His feet, you must also lay your plethora of questions about His plans. His Word promises to be a lamp unto our feet as they walk with Him, not a floodlight revealing intimate details of a forthcoming divine assignment.
This past Christmas Eve, God appointed me to lead the service at Paxton Ministries. I was to report at 12 pm that day. The night before I sat at my computer to pray and write the message. I struggled to make it flow, to remember what Spirit had whispered the weeks before. Nonetheless, I needed something, so I printed what I had and put it in my binder.
The next morning at around 10:15 am, God interrupted my flow. I had chosen my outfit and was preparing to shower. The Spirit was strong. He sat me down and flowed the message through my fingertips. I typed as fast as I could to keep up with Him.
When we follow Him, small and large miracles happen. Remember later in the disciples’ lives, Jesus overfilled the net with fish?
Holy Spirit led one resident to recommit her life to Christ during the Christmas Eve service. Because I allowed Him to interrupt my shower/dressing/makeup time, because I scrapped my message for His, I got to witness the miracle of a repentant soul crawl back to the Cross.
Boldness in the Lord is of the Lord, not of ourselves. When Peter left the nets that first day and followed Jesus, he had no idea he would be leading thousands to Christ after His resurrection and ascension. Conversely, if we restrict our following the Lord to only when we have time or only what is comfortable, we will not be used as His vessels.
Early in Acts, Peter and John healed a lame man and were detained?
Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of the people!”
Peter went on to give glory to Jesus for the healing, reminding all who were present they crucified Jesus but God rose him from the dead.
When they say the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they marveled and took note that these men had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13, emphasis added).
Sisters, the Holy Spirit is the source of our boldness in living, speaking, and serving. Daily submission, a willingness to leave our work/plans half-finished, and a bold YES, LORD sets our hearts in heaven’s direction. Only then will we experience the fullness of life promised by Jesus (John 10:10).

Julie Dibble is a servant of her Lord Jesus Christ. Together with her husband Jason, they have two sons, Braedon 17 and Jackson 15, and one rescued pup named Rocko. Julie preaches, writes, hikes, and prays for God to use her daily in this broken world. Currently, she is on staff at Newberrytown Church of God as Director of Outreach and Evangelism.
